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MSc. Thesis Defense/ Tez Savunması Eda Eylül Akdemir


MSc. Thesis Defense/ Tez Savunması 

Sabancı Üniversitesi Yönetim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Tezli İş Analitiği bölümü öğrencisi, Eda Eylül Akdemir'in tez savunmasını duyurmaktan mutluluk duyuyoruz. 


 Eda Eylül Akdemir

Tezli iş Analitiği Programı



Tarih & Saat : 24 Aralık 2020, Perşembe, 14.00


Meeting ID: 982 2550 3929

Passcode: 702555



In this study, we examined the effect of a book’s publishing date on its sales ranking with a Linear Regression model by using Amazon’s daily book ranking and price data for 67 days. We found out that the release date of a book is an important factor in evaluating the book rankings. We also studied the prediction of rankings using the lagged variables of price and ranking. To transform this time series prediction problem into a supervised learning problem, we used the sliding window approach. We used four machine learning and one deep learning approach to predict the rankings. To compare the results, two evaluation criterias; R2 and root mean squared error were used. When tuning the hyperparameters, we used k-fold Cross Validation. We found out that linear regression outperformed the rest of the models, which are Ridge Regression, Random Forest, Light Gradient Boosting Machine, and Neural Network.