Akdoğu, Evrim and Şimşir, Şerif Aziz (2023) "Are blockchain and cryptocurrency M&As harder to close?", Finance Research Letters, Vol.52 (SSCI)
Akdoğu, Evrim and Şimşir, Şerif Aziz and Meriç Yılmaz, Merve (2022) "SPACs and the regulation gap: the effect of first SEC intervention on share and warrant returns", Finance Research Letters, Vol.50 (SSCI)
Şimşir, Şerif Aziz and Şimsek, Koray D. (2022) "The market impact of private information before corporate announcements: evidence from Turkey", Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Vol.80 (SSCI)
Anginer, Deniz and Demirguc-Kunt, Asli and Şimşir, Şerif Aziz and Tepe, Mete (2022) "Is short-term debt a substitute for or complementary to good governance?", Borsa Istanbul Review, Vol.22, No.2, 197-208 (SSCI)
Akdoğu, Evrim and Avcı, Süreyya Burcu and Şimşir, Şerif Aziz (2021) "Stock price reaction to debt offerings: the Turkish evidence", Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Vol.57, No.14, 4070-4088 (SSCI)
Akdoğu, Evrim and Aktas, Nihat and Şimşir, Şerif Aziz (2021) "The effect of unionization on industry merger activity around negative economy-wide shocks", International Review of Financial Analysis, Vol.76 (SSCI)
Ersan, Oguz and Şimşir, Şerif Aziz and Simsek, Koray D. and Hasan, Afan (2021) "The speed of stock price adjustment to corporate announcements: insights from Turkey", Emerging Markets Review, Vol.47 (SSCI)
Goodwin, John and Atılgan, Yiğit and Şimşir, Şerif Aziz and Ahmed, Kamran (2020) "Investor reaction to accounting misstatements under IFRS: Australian evidence", Accounting and Finance, Vol.60, No.3, 2467-2512 (SSCI)
Masulis, Ronald W. and Şimşir, Şerif Aziz (2018) "Deal initiation in mergers and acquisitions", Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol.53, No.6, 2389-2430 (SSCI)