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Masters in Finance

Why Sabancı Masters in Finance?

The Masters in Finance Program (MiF) is a rigorous, 12-month, part-time professional degree program specializing in applied finance.In addition to learning the theoretical foundations of the field of finance, students gain practical knowledge and experience through practical training in both digital data platforms such as WRDS, Rasyonet Equity RT, and software programs such as STATA, which reflect the latest developments in technology. Guided by an Advisory Board composed of accomplished finance professionals, our program aims to furnish students with the essential skills of a modern finance specialist.

The curriculum consists of a variety of courses in corporate finance and investments, as well as “tools” courses such as financial econometrics and programming. These distinguishing aspects of the program serve to fulfill our shared vision, which is to develop the future leaders of the finance industry.



Application Process

Student Profile

Class of 2025


%33 Women %67 Men

Avarage Age


Avarage work experience

5 years


7 different industries


14 different companies


7 different title

Contact us

Phone: 0216 568 7188