The following list of electives is provided here to give candidates some idea about the type of courses offered in the program. Although the actual list of courses may vary every year, the provided list is mostly made up of courses that are offered regularly.
MFIN 806 Behavioral Finance - 1.5 Credit
Davranışsal finans, davranışsal ve bilişsel psikoloji teorilerini geleneksel ekonomi ve finans teorileri ile birleştirerek insanların finansal kararlarını etkileyen faktörleri açıklamaya çalışan nispeten yeni, ancak hızlı büyüyen bir alandır. Neoklasik iktisatçılar, bireylerin faydalarını maksimize etmek için rasyonel hareket ettiklerini, piyasaların etkin olduğunu ve piyasalarda belirlenen fiyatlarin mevcut tüm bilgileri yansıttıklarını varsayarlar. Ancak, gerçek yaşamda bu varsayımlar çoğu kez geçerli değildir. Davranışsal finans, piyasaların neden ve nasıl verimsiz olabileceğini, insanların neden bilgileri yanlış yorumladıklarını ve önyargılara, hatalara ve algısal yanılgılara neden maruz kaldıklarını açıklamaya yardımcı olur. CFA sınav müfredatı her geçen yıl davranışsal finansa daha fazla ağırlık vermektedir. Portföy yöneticilerinin, yatırım danışmanlarının, yönetim danışmanlarının, CFO'ların ve bireysel yatırımcıların, farklı davranışsal önyargıları ve bunların finansal kararlar alma üzerindeki etkilerini derinlemesine kavramış olmalarında büyük fayda vardır. Bu ders, temel davranışsal finans kavramlarını ve irrasyonel yatırımcı davranışlarının nedenlerini ve etkilerini öğretmeye yönelik bir program olmayı amaçlamaktadır. Dönem boyunca, finansal karar verme sürecini etkileyen psikolojik önyargıları ele alacak ve bu önyargıların finansal piyasalar ve insanların yaşamları üzerindeki etkilerini inceleyeceğiz. Ders, gerçek hayattan vaka çalışmaları, yatırımcı davranışlarının analizleri, yatırımcı davranışlarını değiştirmek için uygulanan davranışsal müdahale vaka örnekleri ve yatırım danışmanları/portföy yöneticileri ile mülakatlar ve soru-cevap oturumları ile desteklenecektir.
MFIN 807 Venture Capital and Private Equity - 3 Credit
Private equity (PE) refers to investment funds organized as limited partnerships that invest in public and private firms using various strategies such as leveraged buyout, growth capital, mezzanine capital, venture capital etc Typical investors in PE are large institutional investors and wealthy individuals. Venture capital (VC) is a subcategory of PE concentrating on investments made in less mature, early stage companies. The PE market has grown significantly since 1980s and has become one of the most important financial markets globally. This course will introduce the methodologies used in PE finance and employ the case method to study PE deals. PE is a great lab to study important topics in finance such as capital structure, corporate governance, valuation, asset allocation, organizational restructuring. Throughout the course, PE market is going to be discussed from the perspective of different agents including entrepreneurs, PE fund managers, and the investors in PE funds. The course is going to start with early stage investments in VC market. The objective in this section is to analyze a VC opportunity from a qualitative and quantitative perspective. Later, we will discuss private equity and leveraged buyout investments in large companies. In the last part of the course, we will study investments in PE funds and issues related to structuring PE funds.
MFIN 813 Money & Banking - 1.5 Credit
The course will provide an introduction to macroeconomics. Characteristics of financial institutions will also be examined in detail.
MFIN 817 Machine Learning Applications in Finance - 3 Credit
The goal of this course is to develop skills in handling financial data, modeling, prediction and forecasting utilizing machine learning algorithms. The first part of the course introduces python programming fundamentals and develop skills to process, handle and visualize financial data. In the second part of the course, machine learning algorithms such as logistic regression, artificial neural networks and decision trees are discussed with applications in financial markets. Hands on training is provided in financial problems such as portfolio optimization, trading algorithms, forecasting asset prices and macroeconomic variables. Fundamental machine learning algorithms from the classification, regression and reinforcement learning domains are introduced throughout the course providing the fundamental knowledge for investment professionals to implement these techniques successfully in different areas of finance and economics.
MFIN 852 Valuation, Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring – 1.5 Credit
The principal objectives of this course are to provide students with the conceptual basis, intuitive reasoning, and analytical framework for making sound valuation decisions. Also the course deals structuring, leveraged buyouts and corporate structuring.
MFIN 858 Global Financial Markets – 1.5 Credit
This course is an introduction to the global financial markets that are used by banks, multinational corporations, and government agencies, in the conduct of their business and implementation of economic policy. The global financial markets include the market for foreign exchange, the Eurocurrency and related money markets, the international capital markets, the commodity markets and the markets for forward contracts, options, swaps and other derivatives. The course seeks to explain how these markets work both in the context of basic principles of economics and finance and by means of examples and applications using several case studies. It will also look at a very important risk namely the exchange rate risk for multinational corporations, banks and other entities (hedge funds, shadow banks, etc.) and discuss how to manage and hedge these risks using various financial instruments. Finally the course will provide theoretical and empirical analysis on the prediction, prevention and management of various financial crisis, such as banking, currency, debt and balance of payments crises.
MFIN 877 Financial Technologies - 3 Credit
This course focuses on the technological advancements, innovative trends and startups that are shaping the Financial Services Industry. The course introduces both the technologies and the firms (both startups and big corporations) that are using these technologies for innovative solutions. The following topics are covered in the course: • The Transformation of Financial Services and the Future of Financial Industry • The Effects of Technology and Innovation on Financial Industry • FinTech Ecosystem • Technological Trends and Use Cases • Blockchain Technologies • Open Banking and API Economy • Digital Banking, Banking as a Service (BaaS) and Banking as a Platform (BaaP) • FinTech Regulations • FinTech Startups and New Business Models • The Strategic Partnership Models Between Corporations and Startups • Case Studies from Different Industries
MFIN 899 Wealth Management - 1.5 Credit
The course offers a hands-on experience about the practical aspects of financial portfolio management. Along with the concepts covered in the class, students are expected to build a portfolio management notion by thinking on real world problems. The main themes are investment decision making process and investment policy statement, management of individual and institutional portfolios, integrating capital market expectations and asset allocation, technical and practical aspects of portfolio management in traditional asset classes and alternative investments.
BAN 807 Financial Analytics - 3 Credit
An introduction to methods and tools useful in decision-making in the financial industry, including: macroeconomic event studies, analysis of term structures, Morningstar equity data, style analysis, credit card receivables, trading analytics, execution algorithms, etc. This course blends easy-to-use statistical tools with complex machine learning tools and algorithms to equip the participants with the requisite skill set in analyzing data.