Module 1:
BAN 827 Descriptive Analytics (Abdullah Daşçı): This course aims to provide a review of methods for statistical inference, and develop an understanding of how these tools can be applied in a variety of business problems. The emphasis of this course would be on applications, through practical examples and cases. A variety of statistical software will be introduced. Topics covered include descriptive statistics, probability distributions, hypothesis testing, regression, design of experiments and analysis of variance.
BAN 835 Computational Tools and IT for Analytics (Altuğ Tanaltay): This course explores both the functional and technical environment for the creation, storage, and use of the most prevalent source and type of data for business analysis. Students will learn how to access and leverage information via SQL for analysis, aggregation to visualization, MapReduce, Apache Spark and Graph databases. This course will also give an introduction to a set of tools and techniques for dealing with large data such as Python and R.
Module 2:
BAN 805 Predictive Analytics (Altuğ Tanaltay) : This course introduces basic concepts and models of supervised and unsupervised statistical learning models. The topics include, multiple regression, logistic regression, classfication, resampling methods, subset selection, the ridge, the lasso, tree-based methods, support vector machines, principal component analysis, and clustering.
BAN 830 Digital Enabled Business Transformation (Güneş Süsler) : This course delves into how data, AI, and digital technologies are reshaping business models and entire industries, as well as how organizations create, deliver, and capture value. It emphasizes a systematic approach to digitally enabled business transformation, illustrating how digital technologies are influencing strategies and operating models. The course is enriched with frameworks, case studies, and best practices for effectively leveraging data, AI, and digital technologies in business transformation.
Module 3:
BAN 801 Marketing Analytics (Enes Eryarsoy) : This course is about generating marketing insights from empirical data in such areas as segmentation, targeting and positioning, satisfaction management, customer lifetime analysis, customer choice, and product and price decisions using conjoint analysis. This will be a hands-on course based on the Marketing Engineering approach and Excel software
BAN 831 Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence (Mehmet Yasin Ulukuş) : This course introduces the basics of structured data modeling, gain practical SQL coding experience, and develop an in-depth understanding of data warehouse design and data manipulation. It also allows working with large data sets in a data warehouse environment to create dashboards and introduces a variety of business intelligence solutions.
Module 4:
BAN 821 Optimization & Simulation (Can Akkan) : This course introduces the basic principles and techniques of mathematical modeling that will aid managerial decisions. Students will learn how to develop analytical models and use techniques such as linear and mixed integer programming, Monte Carlo simulation, discrete-event simulation and decision trees. The applications are on models that are widely used in diverse business functional areas.
BAN 809 Project Management in Analytics (Dursun Delen) : This course introduces students to the theory and practice of project management. This course examines the management of complex projects and the tools are available to assist managers with such projects. Some of the specific topics we will discuss include project life cycle models, work break down structure, organization break down structure, cost break down structure, graphical presentations and precedence diagramming, network analysis and scheduling techniques, concepts of system life cycle costing, and cost estimation methods and trade-off analysis, risk management, and monitoring and control.
Module 5:
BAN 892 Applied Advanced Analytics (Enes Eryarsoy) : This is a hands-on course to equip students with ways to prepare a culminating project that follows a multifaceted approach in business analytics. The course employs an end-to-end approach by following CRISP-DM (Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining) throughout the module. The course also recapitulates earlier courses in the program and dives into further intricacies of descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics.
BAN 807 Financial Analytics (Yasin Kütük) : An introduction to methods and tools useful in decision-making in the financial industry, including: macroeconomic event studies, analysis of term structures, Morningstar equity data, style analysis, credit card receivables, trading analytics, execution algorithms, etc. This course blends easy-to-use statistical tools with complex machine learning tools and algorithms to equip the participants with the requisite skill set in analyzing data.
BAN 872 Business Simulation (Berkay Kardeş) : This course provides an opportunity for the participants to integrate knowledge and experience through a computer-based simulation environment. As student teams compete, they develop a deeper understanding of how the various functional areas of management (finance, marketing, production) are integrated.
Course Category | Min. ECTS Credits | Min. SU Credits | Min. Courses |
Project | - | - | 1 |
Required Courses | - | 21 | 7 |
Elective Courses | - | 9 | 3 |
Total | 110 | 30 | 11 |
European Credits Transfer System (ECTS) : Bilgi için tıklayınız.