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Sabancı Business School at a Glance

Year Milestones
2023MS in Marketing program starts 
2022Sabancı Business School has been re-accredited by AACSB (3rd cycle)
2020Professional Business Analytics Program starts 

Sabancı School of Management has been renamed as Sabancı Business School (SBS)

SBS becomes the first and only official member of GMAC 

2017SBS has been re-accredited by AACSB (2nd cycle)

Signed a strategic alliance agreement with Columbia Business School

MS in Business Analytics starts and its Advisory Board established 

SU Center for Excellence in Finance (CEF) is founded (sponsored by Akbank)


Sabancı Executive MBA Program is among the best programs in the world and Europe in the Financial Times rankings

Lab of Logistics (supported by International Transporters Association-UND) launched in collaboration with FENS Industrial Engineering faculty experts in Logistics

Business Analytics Minor Program starts

Professional MBA Program starts 

Search Conference on the road map of SBS Education in the next 5 years initiated


BA in Management Advisory Board starts

Finance Minor Program starts

2013Entrepreneurship Council established and Entrepreneurship Minor Program starts 
2012Sabancı Business School entered the Financial Times European Business School Rankings and is ranked among the top 100 schools

Sabancı Business School obtains AACSB accreditation.

Sabancı Business School established Executive MBA, MBA and Masters in Finance Advisory Boards

SBS becomes the first and only university in Turkey to sign a strategic alliance agreement with MIT Sloan School of Management

Dual degree programs with MIT Sloan School of Management and MIT-Zaragoza start


Center for Applied Finance Education (CAFE) is launched 

Masters in Finance Program starts 

SBS signs the PRME - Principles for Responsible Management Education

2007SBS graduates its first BA in Management students
2006SBS graduates its first PhD students
2005ITM Program starts (ended in 2008)

BA in Management program starts 

TUSIAD-Sabancı Competitiveness forum is launched

Corporate Governance Forum is founded


Sabancı Business School graduates its first MBA and Executive MBA students

LFI program starts (and ends in 2011)


Sabancı University inaugurates with an official ceremony at the Karaköy Building

MBA, EMBA and PhD programs starts

Sabancı Business School's mission is to contribute to the knowledge and practice of management in Turkey the world through the quality of our research, programs, and graduates. In this vein we:

  • Conduct and disseminate rigorous, relevant, and internationally recognized research.
  • Deliver a range of challenging and innovative programs responsive to the current and potential needs of business and society.
  • Graduate confident, socially responsible individuals with the knowledge and skills to succeed in the global arena and who are poised to impact society.