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Şerif Aziz Şimşir Sabancı Business School Faculty Member (216) 483 9658 azizsimsirsabanciunivedu

Faculty Member

Areas of Interest

Corporate Finance, Mergers and Acquisitions, Corporate Capital Structure

Working Paper / Technical Report
Publications Prior to SU
  1. Satın alım öncesi ve sonrası Türk hedef şirketlerinin finansal performansı (with Hasan Burak Arslan). İktisat, İşletme ve Finans 29, 9-40.
  2. Measuring deal premiums in takeovers (with Harold Mulherin). Financial Management 44, 1-14.
  3. Measuring takeover premiums in cross-border mergers and acquisitions: Insights from Turkey (with Hasan Burak Arslan). Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 52, 188-203.
  4. Corporate governance and takeover outcomes (with Nihat Aktas and Croci Ettore). Corporate Governance: An International Review 24, 242-252.
  5. The effect of CEO departure on target firms’ post-takeover performance: Evidence from not-delisting target firms (with Gul Demirtas). Finance Research Letters 16, 55-65.
  6. Deal initiation in mergers and acquisitions (with Ronald Masulis). Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Forthcoming.
  7. Investor reaction to accounting misstatements under IFRS: Australian evidence (with John Goodwin, Yigit Atilgan and Kamran Ahmed). Accounting & Finance, Forthcoming.